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Copywriting techniques to improve your texts

Whether you sell directly through your website or if you want to attract customers online for your business in physical format, within your marketing strategy you should not stop applying copy techniques

Coming from the Anglo-Saxon world, terms such as copywriting and marketing have been inextricably linked for decades. Because nothing sells better than words, and for texts to be able to sell they must be persuasive.

Long before the internet came along, advertisers and commercials were already creating their sales scripts using copywriting tricks, because they knew that the way the message is conveyed has a significant influence on the consumer.

With the rise of the online world, copy is now more important. As you have been able to deduce, it is a form of writing, but it is not just any form. It is the art of persuasive writing, which consists of creating texts capable of seducing the reader and pushing him to make a decision that is exactly what we expect of him.

For example, by using copywriting in the texts of your website you can induce the reader to subscribe to your newsletter, to make a purchase, to download an info-product, etc.

What is copywriting for and what are its advantages?

As a marketing technique, copy helps you get leads and conversions. But, in reality, with this way of writing we achieve much more.

It is one of the best alternatives to communicate with the reader and get engagement. A persuasive text is much more enjoyable to read, and this avoids losing the visitor's attention. In addition, it is a good way to do inbound marketing and build trust in users.

If an Internet user likes your texts, they may return to your website repeatedly. Perhaps in his first visits he will not perform that action that you are waiting for, but once you have become a reference for him, he will end up doing it.

Benefits of using copy techniques

To better understand how copywriting can help us, we are going to make an approach to some of its most important advantages:

  • Improve SEO positioning. Although the copy and SEO copywriting are different, there is no reason why they should not be combined. If a persuasive text knows how to make good use of keywords, it will be able to position itself well in search engines, and this translates into a greater number of visits to the web.
  • Increase engagement. As we said before, if the reader likes the texts on your website, they may begin to feel a certain affinity towards your business and to have confidence in it. Getting engaged is a very good first step to getting loyal customers.
  • Improve the image of the brand. The image that your business transmits is of vital importance for its profitability. There are many ways to work and improve the brand image, but having quality texts on the web or blog is one of those that you cannot ignore. In addition, well-prepared texts reinforce the credibility of the message you want to convey.
  • Increase the conversion rate. This is the typical benefit that we all hope to get when we turn to copy. If the texts are good, they get the user to slide faster through the sales funnel and make their decision earlier. This means that we can make more sales in less time.

Copy techniques to improve

Know your client well

To get a text that hooks your audience, you first have to be very clear about who you are going to address. Depending on the type of reader you have, you will have to adapt the tone and also the language used.

For example, if you are addressing a young audience, it will be better to use simple language, not too long texts and an informal tone. On the contrary, if your audience is managers, the language must be much more technical and formal and you have to make texts of a medium to long length.

Therefore, before you start writing, make sure that you have developed an average profile of your client and that you know him well.

Speak directly to the reader

If you realize, throughout this text we are talking directly to you that you have doubts about the copy and how to apply it to your strategy. Well, that is precisely what you should do in your texts, go directly to the reader.

What you are looking for is to persuade, and for this you have to go directly to the person you want to convince with your message.

Date update on 2021-10-18. Date published on 2021-10-18. Category: Computer class Author: Oscar olg Fuente: seoestudios