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How to see all the information of a photo saved on the iphone

Today we are going to teach you to see all the information of a photo saved on the reel. Ideal to see what it weighs, the format, the date of completion ...

Surely on more than one occasion, we have had an image saved on our reel, and we have never known in what format that image is saved. Well, we are going to show you the easiest way to obtain all this information and in a matter of seconds.

So if you do not know how to obtain all this information, we help you to know at the moment all the data you need.

How to see all the information of a photo saved in the camera roll

The process is very simple and you have had it in front of you all this time. To begin, we must go to the reel (Photos app) and look for that photo from which we want to obtain as much information as possible.

Once we have found it, we open it and if we look at it, an icon with the letter "i" appears at the bottom. This will be the one that we must click to see all that we want ...

When we do, we will see that a table appears in which is all the information we want to know. Now we are the ones who have to process that information and do whatever we want with it.

But what is very true is that Apple increasingly makes things easier for us and helps us more in those technical aspects that for some may be silly, but for others it can help a lot in their work.

Therefore, if you were unaware of this feature, you already know something else that your iPhone can do for you.

Date update on 2021-10-18. Date published on 2021-10-18. Category: Computer class Author: Oscar olg Fuente: apperlas