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How to view the heatmap in real time on the iPhone

Today we are going to show you how to see the heat map in real time on the iPhone. Without a doubt, a very good way to know if a wave of heat or cold is coming and see it in real time.

Apple's Weather app has evolved over the years. The truth is that what was once a very simple app, today is one of the most complete that we can find. Part of the fault is Apple and its determination to make it better year after year. Now we have a complete application, which shows us the information we want at all times.

One of those functions that attracts attention is that of the heat map in real time. And it is that we can that map worldwide, to see that heat wave that they are talking about, if that dreaded cold comes ...

How to view the heatmap in real time on the iPhone

The process is very simple and as we have commented, from the Weather app itself we will be able to access this map that we are talking about.

Therefore, we go to said app and once here, we will see that at the bottom left, a map icon appears. This will be the one that we must press to access the function we are talking about

When we press, we will see how the entire map of our area appears, but we can also see the world map. In this way, we will know in which areas of the planet it is hotter or in which it is colder.

Date update on 2021-10-18. Date published on 2021-10-18. Category: Computer class Author: Oscar olg Fuente: apperlas