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Make your HomePod stand out from the rest

The HomePod is a device that has become popular lately, and especially in houses where there is more than one person living.

In this sense, Apple has wanted to promote the use of a HomePod per family, with the possibility of having personal requests for each person who uses the HomePod. This makes the experience personalized, and above all it seems that you have a smarter Siri. We tell you in this article how to configure it.

What personal requests allow you

Personal requests are an essential tool to be able to use the HomePod in a much more personal way. A priori, this type of smart speaker only has the option to make requests in a general way. That is to say, it did not matter who spoke, the same answer was always given. That is why to learn about the tastes of a specific person, he could only do it individually. With personal requests this ends completely, making the same HomePod can be divided and used personally by each person.

In this way, a user will be able to request that a specific person on their calendar be called, or an event be added to their calendar without affecting the information of the rest of the users. That is why two people will be able to access their contacts, calendar, music library or personal tastes simply by voice recognition. A function that has been highly desired in order to take advantage of these teams, and above all to have a much more personalized response.

Pre-settings you need to do

Before starting to configure the functionality in question, a preliminary process must be carried out. This is about preparing the equipment to work properly. Specifically, the highlight is voice recognition. That is why to carry out all these steps it is important that the members of the family are together to be able to carry out the entire process.

Pay attention to the requirements

As expected, this is a functionality that will only work on your device if a series of very specific requirements are met. The first of these is the software, since version 15.2 of the operating system must be available. This applies both to the smart speaker itself and to the iPhone or iPad from which you are going to make the corresponding configuration. This is something vital, because in the versions prior to this one that we have mentioned, you cannot find this functionality.

And if you're wondering if there are any hardware limitations as such, you should know that Apple enables this functionality to both HomePod classic and mini. Both devices have the necessary components to carry out voice recognition and, therefore, the configuration of personal requests. Beyond this, no type of requirement can be found, unless you obviously have access to the device that is linked to the HomePod, as is logical.

Set up speech recognition

Beyond the limitations that are imposed through hardware or software, there is also a previous configuration that must be done. In this case, Apple specifies that the configuration of the voice recognition mode must be carried out. This clearly allows the HomePod to identify who is speaking to it at any given time. Ideal especially when you have a HomePod for a family of four, or in a shared apartment. By configuring this feature, it is said that a single HomePod can be multiplied, having a speaker for each of the users that make up the group.

By turning on the setting, you'll be teaching Siri on HomePod to recognize different voices around the house. In the event that you have invited other people in the Home app, members will be able to request their own music and make use of the personal requests that we will configure next. Obviously, for this, you have to allow other people to control the accessories in the house. Once these considerations are taken into account, you can start activating voice recognition by following these steps:

  • On iPhone or iPad, go to Settings.
  • At the top, click on your username.
  • Access the Password and Security section, and make sure that two-factor authentication is activated.
  • Go to the Home app and press and hold the HomePod to set up.
  • Scroll down and tap on the gear.
  • Make sure When Hearing Hey Siri is turned on.

At this time, the configuration of this voice recognition should start. But if it doesn't start due to a bug, you can simply force it by following these steps:

  • Click on the house icon.
  • Tap Home Settings.
  • Find the user profile under People and tap Recognize my voice.

It is important that all active members of the same house are registered in the people menu. In this way the process will be much simpler by being able to choose which voice you want to recognize at each moment.

Date update on 2022-01-13. Date published on 2022-01-13. Category: Computer class Author: Oscar olg Fuente: computerhoy