Activation errors in Windows 7 are not being caused by an update

A couple of days ago the news leaked that one of the Windows 7 updates that are usually released on Tuesdays (Patch Tuesday) were causing serious activation errors.

According to users, this update (KB4480970) removes the activation information from the registry, which triggers Windows to launch a message that the user has a pirated copy of the Operating System.

From that moment, Microsoft said it was going to investigate what happened and to find solutions, even the users themselves had already found some way to solve the program by editing the Registry. Here we leave you the link of Reddit not without first making the warning that we always make when modifying the Registry that this could damage the Operating System.

After these days, Microsoft confirms that the problem is not in the update, but by its activation servers (as it had previously happened with Windows 10 when what we had done is to update from a Windows 7 or 8.1.

Although the problem seems to be resolved, it is still recommended to business users that they do not install the update we are talking about or that, if they have done so, they will uninstall it to avoid problems.

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