An error in Google Chrome would allow third parties to obtain user data

On February 27 Google recognized the detection of a serious security error in Google Chrome, which quickly resolved the problem with an update for macOS, Linux, and the latest versions of Windows, however, in Windows 7 32-bit the vulnerability is still present.

They point out that the error is in the memory manager "FileReader", an API (Application Programming Interface) that makes it easier for web applications to access data stored on a computer.

For Chaouki Bekrar, director of the computer security company Zerodium, this failure makes it possible to execute commands in the operating system, where hackers could execute malicious codes and access said information.

So far, Google has not given more details on the matter, because before informing the scope, seek to ensure that their users has the latest update, although in the case of users who have Windows 7 32 bits are still working to find the solution

It transpired that one of the options for users of the aforementioned version of Windows is to consider updating its operating system.

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