Anonymous hacks the Spanish Vox party and reveals its record of supporters

Anonymous entered Vox's computer systems and managed to access the registry of some 30000 supporters, according to the Twitter account @La9deAnon.

The attack was announced on Wednesday night and the hackers gave a few hours to the party led by Santiago Abascal to correct their security breach.

"We have suffered a new attack on our website," Vox said in the party's official account, adding that the case was "brought to the attention of the State Security Forces so that the perpetrators will not go unpunished."

Abascal denounced "the criminals stealing data", which he related to "one's sanitary cordon, the violent alert of the Huns, the unconstitutional label of the others, TV and press marking families, criminalizing and searching for our voters house to house. "

"Some aim and others shoot," stressed the leader of this party that is on the right of the conservatives of the Popular Party (PP) and that last December 2 managed to reach the Parliament of Andalusia with 12 seats in the regional elections, becoming the electoral surprise of the night.

The group of 'hackers' pointed out that "sensitive tables and about 30,000 records are in the network and in the press."

Anonymous revealed that the operation had been ongoing for several days.

"You've been making modifications and emptying / encrypting tables for a few days because someone alerted you, but it was a little late," the hackers explained, stressing that "we were in your sewers long ago."

The name of this group refers to the division of Spanish Republicans who participated in the Second World War with the French Army against the Nazi invaders.

"We see with great sadness that we will never be able to rest in the fight against the Franco regime: our grandparents of La Nueva have almost disappeared, but the noise of the caterpillars of their Half-tracks will continue to be heard on the network," they recalled, adding that "we we will remember you. "

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