How to force Windows 10 clock synchronization

It is possible that on some occasion such as changing the time or after making some modifications in Windows 1, that the clock time is unconfigured

In many cases, just restart the computer or change the time. But there are times when this does not work or does not allow you to change it. Luckily, there is a way to force your synchronization.

In this way, the Windows 10 clock will work normally again and show the time correctly. It is a very simple solution and it is very effective in this type of solutions. So if you have tried several options and they have not worked, maybe this will help you.

We have to open the Windows 10 configuration first. Next, you must enter the Time and language section of the ones that appear on the screen. This is the section in which we can carry out all the necessary configurations for the clock we have in the taskbar.

When you enter, you will see that on the screen, just below the time shown in the center, there is a button next to the text Automatically set the time. What you have to do is disable that button and then activate it again. In case it was already disabled, you simply have to activate it.

When doing this, what we are doing is that Windows 10 has to revise the time again. Most likely, the problem will be solved after making use of this simple trick. So the clock will once again show the correct time on the screen. It can be that simple.

In the same section, a little further down on the screen, it is also good to check that we have activated the button Change the time automatically according to summer time. Because in some cases, there are Windows 10 users who do not have it, causing this delay or advance in the clock. When you activate this function, it will always change automatically when it is appropriate.

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