Review of the most famous cyber attacks in history

The security of the digital world needs new devices, services and innovation. Next, we remind you of the most talked about attacks in history.

We already know that the digital world often becomes a kind of 'Wild West 2.0'. Our personal information, and also that of companies and governments, is susceptible to receiving a cyber attack. In fact, more than you imagine. At Security Innovation Day 2018, Pedro Pablo Pérez, CEO at ElevenPaths and Global Security Director at Telefónica, revealed that more than 978 million people were affected by cyber attacks in 2017 around the world. A huge number.

Therefore, it is very important to create new devices and tools to protect our information on the web. Anyway, while the machinery of innovation generates applications and services that make us more secure in the digital world, it would be nice if you followed some advice to be safe on the Internet.

Leaving data and advice aside, and coinciding with the International Day of Information Security (November 30), we bring you the most talked about cyber attacks in history.

PlayStation Network (2011)

Maybe you remember how in mid-April 2011 you were unable to use the Internet on your PlayStation. In mid-year, Sony announced that some features of the PlayStation Network had been shot down after a major computer attack.

The online service was affected about a month, in which 77 million accounts were offline for 23 days. A real drama for the company and its users. The company confirmed that it had cost around 100 million euros.

Sony Pictures Entertainment (2014)

More cyber attacks for Sony. Surely you remember when the self-styled "Guardians of Peace" group leaked the movie "The Interview" about North Korea's top leader. It was threatened that, if the film was released in theaters, terrorist actions would be carried out. Nothing happened.

However, hackers did not simply filter the movie. They also had access to information about employees of Sony Pictures Entertainment, confidential e-mails, addresses and financial information. Even the medical reports of several Hollywood stars!

Epsilon (2011)

We are facing one of the most expensive cyber attacks in the history of the Internet. Epsilon, the largest provider of marketing services worldwide, received a series of attacks that cost around three billion dollars. The targets of the hackers were e-mail accounts for criminal purposes.

Heartbleed (2012-2014)

This was a half-cyberattack. It must be made clear that Heartbleed was not a virus, but a Bug that was written by mistake in OpenSSL. This security breach was discovered by a rapid group of hackers who took advantage of the information.