Tricks to avoid hacking your Instagram account

I'm sure that on more than one occasion you've seen how some celebrity or a close friend has complained that they have hacked the Instagram account

This would be more difficult if the password was not your birthday or your cat's name. If you do not want to suffer the same problem, follow these tricks to avoid hacking your Instagram account.

Of course, there are hackers and hackers but most cases of altered accounts are due to the use of passwords of poor security or insufficient security protocols. That's why the platform itself recently tightened its verification tools in two steps in order to avoid relying on third-party services to protect Instagram accounts.

Choose a secure password (but really safe)

The most obvious advice but, at the same time, the most important.

One of the most common ways that hackers use to access our accounts is to guess passwords or by using old passwords that were compromised in data breaches. That is why the use of a secure and complex password is the best tool to avoid having Instagram hack you.

The platform recommends using a combination of at least six numbers, letters and punctuation marks but the higher this password the less likely you are to have someone guess it.

Enables two-step verification

Today almost all applications for iOS and Android that handle our data - social networks, banking apps, etc ... - provide some form of two-factor authentication. Instagram also has this tool hidden among the settings of the application. With this two-step verification activated, every time you log in to Instagram from an unknown device, you will be asked to enter a security code that will be sent by SMS to your phone number.

To enable authentication in 2 steps access the tab of your personal profile and click on the settings menu identified with three small horizontal lines located in the upper right corner. In the pop-up menu, click on Settings, at the bottom, and then scroll down and select the authentication option in two steps.

Never give up your password

It seems obvious, but you would not believe the number of people who give their password to the impossibility of accessing Instagran at a certain time or similar situations. Cede your Instagram password means exposing all your publications and private data so you should think twice and three times before giving your credentials to any friend or family member.

Restrict third-party application access

The fewer applications that have access to your content, the less risk you will have of hacking your Instagram account. In order to see what services you have connected to your social network you must access the Instagram web version and locate the corresponding option within the configuration of your profile.

Within your profile, next to the name of your Instagram profile you will find the icon of a gear that gives access to the configuration options of your account. Select the menu of authorized Apps and remove all those that are not essential to use the app as you did so far.

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