Twitter will now show you the count of a hashtag

One of the uses that most take into account the CM of Twitter is that of the hashtags. With them we can indicate the relationship of our tweet with a specific topic or keep us informed about the latest trends in the social network.

A new update of the PWA of Twitter has added a function that we can already enjoy in Windows 10. Thanks to it when we use or look for a hashtag, next to it we will be shown the number of times it is being used, which will show us with a counter next to it. A function that allows us to make a better and more effective use of hashtags in our messages.

On the other hand this update has added the three vertical points as an access icon to the options of our profile, the place of the gear that had been up to now.

Remember that these news arrive via server, so you do not need to update the application from the store, just open the application should appear.

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